Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Happy Independence Anniversary, Nigeria! (Video: The Real Story Of Nigeria)

We may not be where we want to be but we are, surely, not where we used to be. Let's join our hands together and build the Nigeria of our dreams - the one we will be proud of. Let's stop the violence and embrace peace because meaningful development can only occur in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility where everyone is focused on one goal - growth! Happy 53rd anniversary & God bless NIGERIA! 
 We may not be where we want to be but we are, surely, not where we used to be. Let's join our hands together and build the Nigeria of our dreams - the one we will be proud of. Let's stop the violence and embrace peace because meaningful development can only occur in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility where everyone is focused on one goal - growth! Happy 53rd anniversary & God bless NIGERIA!


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